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  • 제10회 초등학생 영어토론대회: 2024년 2월 17일(토) ~ 2월 18일(일)
구분 Round 주제유형 주제범위
예선 예선
Round 1
즉흥토론 [Family]

This House supports programs that allow parents to monitor and control their child's iinternet record and usage(e.g. Xkeeper, Google Family Link, etc.).
Round 2
즉흥토론 [Relationship]

This House opposes the emphasis on sacrifice within love.
Round 3
즉흥토론 [Criminal Justice System]

Info Slide:
In crinminal trials, mitigating factor refers to any circumstance or element that lessesns the severity of a crime or the punishment of it.

Chance of rehabiliation is one of the mitigating factors, which considers the likelihood that a criminal can successfully reintegrate into society after a prison sentence.

This House would not consider 'chance of rehabiliation' as a mitigating factor in criminal trials.
본선 본선
Round 1
즉흥토론 [Education]

This House prefers that the elementary school curriculum prioritizes developing the moral personality of students(e.g. civics, ethics) rather than academic development(e.g. math, science).
Round 2
즉흥토론 [Politics]

This House, as South Korea would develop nuclear weapons.
Round 3
즉흥토론 [Art]

Info Slide:
'AI-generated art' refers to artworks created by algorithms without direct human involvement. These algorithms are programmed or trained to produce images, music, poetry, or other forms of artisctic expression based on codified rules or datasets.

This House regrets the rise of AI-generated arts.
Round 4
즉흥토론 [Social Movement]

Info Slide:
There are two ways for messaging in social movements.

'Emphasizing struggles' means highlighting inequalities, daily discrimination, and other forms of suffering that minority individuals and groups uniquely face in society.

On the other hand, 'emphasizing commonalities' means focusing on similar experiences that individuals have, regardless of their identity.

This House believes that the social movement supporting racial minority rights should emphasize the unique struggles rather than emphasizing commonalities between racial majority and minority groups.

※ 상기 주제는 일부 변경될 수 있습니다

  • 제15회 중학생 영어토론대회: 2024년 8월 17(토)~18일(일)
구분 주제
1. This house supports the rise of fan participation in idol groups. (e.g. idol debut voting programs, fan voting in unit formation)

2. This house believes that street journalism has done more harm than good. (Info Slide: Street journalism is news reporting made by individuals who are not professional journalists. They deliver information through non-traditional news sources, including but not limited to blogs and social media.)

3. This house regrets the portrayal of mental illness in entertainment media (e.g. It's Okay to Not Be Okay, Extroardinary Attorney Woo) (Info Slide: Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these). Examples are autism, depression, anxiety.)
[International Relations]

1. This house believes that South Korea should aggressively pursue nation-centrism. (Info slide: Nation-centrism refers to the tendency of countries to prioritize their own national interests and perspectives in global affairs. This approach often emphasizes sovereignty, security, and economic benefits for the nation-state above international cooperation or global considerations.)

2. This house prefers a world with one global superpower over multiple global superpowers
(Info Slide: A global superpower is a country that has significant influence and power around the world. This influence can come from having a strong economy, a powerful military, advanced technology, and a large cultural impact. Global superpowers can shape international politics, trade, and even global culture.)

3. This house, as an international organization, would fund developing nations as a condition of improving domestic human rights issues.

1. This house would impose penalty (e.g. voluntary activity, fines) on the parent of school bullying offenders.

2. This house would have extracurricular activities in college admissions. (e.g debate achievements, language test scores, research papers, external prizes)

3. This house would group students' school grade based on competency, instead of grouping them by age.
[Criminal Justice System]

1. This house supports the act of vigilantism in high crime areas. (Info Slide: Vigilantism is when someone, who may or may not be the victim themself, intends to punish the criminal in the way they think is right. This happens under the thought that justice is not being correctly served under current law, often ending up engaging in violent actions to personally penalize the criminal.)

2. Assuming a technology exists that enables criminals to psychologically experience the pain that victims had undergone, this house would use this technology on criminals as the primary source of punishment.

3. This house would make victim's forgiveness a mitigating factor in court.
GEN 16강
EFL 8강

1. In economic downturns, this house would take a quantitative easing (QE) approach. (Info Slide: Quantitative Easing (QE) is a monetary policy where central banks buy large amounts of financial assets, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and stocks. This aims to actively release more money to the market.)

2. This house, as a lowbirth and aging country, would invest in AI robots than subsidizing childbirth.

3. This House believes that the Olympic Games should be permanently hosted in a single location rather than rotating among different host cities.
GEN 8강
EFL 4강

1. This house believes that media should focus on competency rather than vulnerability of immigrants

2. This house prefers the 'separate model' over the 'concurrent model' for women's sports. (Info Slide: A 'separate model' means women's seasons are run at a completely separate time from the men's seasons. The 'concurrent model' is when women's and men's games happen during the same period.)

3. This house, as the transgender community, would boycott Harry Potter. (Info Slide: J.K. Rowling, the author of the "Harry Potter" series, has faced controversy for her views on gender and biological sex. She has stated that "biological sex is immutable," meaning it cannot be changed. Rowling has also retweeted various content which many consider transphobic.)
GEN 4강
EFL 준결승

1. This house, as Neo, would choose to escape Matrix. (Info Slide: In the future, humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality created by intelligent machines. While humans believe they are living normal lives, their bodies are actually being used as an energy source by the machines. Neo, a human, discovered this truth. Meanwhile, the real world outside Matirx is a harsh and dystopian real world, full of ruined cities and severe pollution. Neo has a choice to choose between 1) waking up and escaping Matrix or 2) staying in the Matrix knowing the truth.)

2. This house prefers a world without emotions.

3. This house prefers a world where individuals can erase certain memories permanently.
GEN 준결승
EFL 결승

1. This house, as a developing nation, would hide the misdeeds or moral flaws of their national heroes.

2. This house would adopt a citizen assembly in determining environmental law reform. (Info Slide: In this debate, a citizen assembly is a group of 150 randomly chosen people of voting age that are chosen to discuss important issues and come up with ideas for new policies. Citizens' assemblies are provided with specialist advice and their policies will be represented in the government for approval.)

3. This house supports the widespread implementation of a social credit system. (Info Slide: Social credit system is a government program that tracks and rates people's behavior. Points are given for good actions like paying bills on time, while points are taken away for bad behavior like breaking laws. A high score can lead to rewards, such as easier access to loans, while a low score can result in penalties, like travel restrictions.)
GEN 결승 [Family/Relationship]

1. This house, as a parent, would teach your child to be egoistic rather than altruistic. (Info Slide: "Egoistic" refers to behavior that is primarily focused on oneself, where actions are motivated by self-interest. "Altruistic" refers to behavior that is focused on helping others, often without expecting anything in return.)

2. This house regrets 'Hyo' culture in South Korea (Info Slide: Hyo (효, 孝) is a traditional Korean concept that emphasizes filial piety, i.e. respect and care for one's parents and elders. Hyo culture places a strong moral obligation on individuals to prioritize the well-being and wishes of their parents, often including financial support, living arrangements, and decision-making.)

3. This house prefers a world where a predominant norm is that love is conditional over unconditional.

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구분 주제유형 주제
예선 1Round 즉흥토론 Round 1: Children’s Rights
· THBT child labor is justified
· THBT sparing the rod spoils the child
THB hagwons (private academies) are another form of child exploitation
예선 2Round 준비토론 Round 2:
THW go vegetarian
예선 3Round 즉흥토론 Round 3: Law and Order
· THW ban electronic devices while driving
· THW raise the legal drinking age
THW legalize the sale of marijuana
예선 4Round 준비토론 Round 4:
THBT unions do more harm than good
예선 5Round 즉흥토론 Round 5: Culinary Controversies
· THBT Japan has a right to fish whales
· THW legalize the sale of dog meat
THW breed exotic animals for consumption
본선 16강 즉흥토론 Octos: Terrorism
· THS the use of force against opposition movements
· THW ban broadcasting of recordings from terrorists
· THW torture terrorists
EFL 4강 EFL Semis: Sports
· THBT money is ruining sport
· THW allow performance enhancing drugs in sports
· THW equalize prize money for male and female athletes
본선 8강 준비토론 Quarters:
THS the use of opium licenses in Afghanistan
EFL 결승 EFL Finals:
THW sell organs for profit
본선 4강전 즉흥토론 Semis: International Relations
· TH prefers sanctions to war
· THW exploit Antarctica for natural resources
· THW grant immunity from prosecution to dictators who step down
본선 결승전 준비토론 Finals: THS an aid invasion
  • 준비토론(Prepared)
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  • 즉흥토론(Impromptu)
  • - 즉흥토론 주제는 대회 당일날 대진 추첨과 동시에 현장에서 제시됩니다