2018 중, 고등학생 영어토론대회 준비토론 주제를 공지합니다.
[제9회 중학생 영어토론대회]
■ 3Round: (Corporations) THW allow corporations to run failed states
■ General 리그 결승: (Science and Technology) Assuming technology exists, THW allow individuals to buy and sell their remaining lifetime
■ EFL 리그 결승: (Science and Technology) TH supports the creation of donor siblings
■ 3Round: (Public Policy) THBT the introduction of the Social Credit System in China
is justified
■ General 리그 결승: (Science and Technology) THW ban research that seeks to attribute the causes of climate change to non-human sources
■ EFL 리그 결승: (Science and Technology) THW abandon planet Earth and
live in a clean and sustainable Planet X