영어토론대회 로고

운영사무국 안내배너
홈버튼 로그인 회원가입 공지사항 영어사이트가기


 작성자 : ju****
날짜 : 2015-01-28 20:35  | 조회 : 5489  
Hello? I am an elementary school student participating the competition. I have a question about the roles of the speakers. I heard that first speaker guides the arguements the team will gonna represent. Next, second speaker explains and gives detail of the arguements. Then, what is third speaker doing? I know that reply(last) speaker summarizes the arguements what they said. I am really curious. I wanna get the answer as soon as possible. Oh, I have one more question. How many arguements do we have to make? Isn\'t it limited?

Please answer!!!
When will you answer? Please answer as soonas possible!!!
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